Et pourquoi pas ?
Les 10 et 11 mai prochain aura lieu l’ICT Spring au ECC à Luxembourg et LaSauce va concourir pour le “European Startup of the year” Award.
Envie de me soutenir ? Je vous y attends dans mon joli stand dans la zone des startups (stand A20) avec une coupe de crémant de mon village!
Quelques mots sur le concours “European Startup of the year” :
I am pleased to confirm that you are now registered as candidate for “European Startup of the year” Award that will be held on May 10th in Luxembourg.
Indeed, this year, 5 awards are open to candidacy including the “European Startup of the year” which will reward a company which is less than 3 years old and composed of a maximum of 10 people for its dynamism, its innovative nature and its growth potential in a close future.
Winners will be announced during the prestigious European ICT Awards Gala Dinner which will gathers 800+ top decision makers, startup founders, investors as well as international guest speakers: HSBC, BIL, ING, Canal+, Orange Growth Capital, Citi, Paypal, Anthemis Group, Expon Capital, Kantox, Startupbootcamp FinTech, etc.
We invite you to check out the event website for more information about the programme, speakers, etc: